Akai Eie Review

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  1. Akai Eie Manual
  2. Akai Professional Eie Pro Review

The Akai EIE is an audio/midi interface, not a controller, and most people here have a midi keyboard of some sort, connected to an interface of some sort. Free software is great, but it is not expected that authors producing it support complex audio-midi interfaces. Bitwig is cross-platform, and is not difficult to install. The AKAI EIE interface with a grey box, is the one working with the EIE Pro ASIO driver, but sofar I have no proof that it would even work better than the ASIO4ALL driver. So keep out unless you have a.

The Akai EIE Pro USB audio interface is built for life on the road. Supporting up to professional-grade bit/96kHz format, this rugged 4-in/4-out tabletop USB. Find great deals for Akai EIE Pro Digital Recording Interface. Shop with confidence on eBay!. The Akai EIE Pro is a four-channel audio interface for the home studio market. But is it worth your money?.

Akai Eie Review
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This USB hub allows you to connect to peripherals with additional USB inputs if you have limited ports on your computer. Great Gear A Steal on Ebay!! Pros Flexible input and monitoring options; USB ‘hub’ connectivity. We may use remarketing pixels from advertising networks such as Google AdWords, Bing Ads, and Facebook in order to advertise the HubPages Service to people that have visited our sites.

There is also a headphone out for monitoring. Both pairs of outputs can be monitored visually with the high-quality, analog VU meters providing classic features with modern style.

This is an ad network. In addition to the high quality analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters, MIDI input and output 16 channels allows for bridging other MIDI controllers. They’re back-lit and, better still, their lights change to a ‘warning red’ when signal overload is detected.

Akai EIE Pro Audio Interface Review

We may use conversion tracking pixels from advertising networks such as Google AdWords, Bing Ads, and Facebook in order to identify when an advertisement has successfully resulted in the desired action, such as signing up for the HubPages Service or publishing an article on the HubPages Service. The mic pres are incredible and the VU meters are very accurate and really helps you get a much more consistent meter reading vs. We were initially concerned that the VU meters might not provide the most accurate visual feedback when setting levels, but this proved not to be the case.

See details for additional description.

I’m very pleased with the look, feel, and functionality of this unit. In use, the EIE Pro is a joy. Similarly, the eid switch can chose one and two, three and four, or all. Definitely professional production quality. We partner with Say Media to deliver ad campaigns on our sites. There are also reports from a few years ago of some issues being fixed with a firmware update. This is used to provide data on traffic to our website, all personally identifyable data is anonymized.

I use this little beauty for just about everything No data is shared with Paypal unless you engage with this feature.

AKAI Professional – EIE Pro

We suspect this flexibility will be the secret to its success, particularly with the to our knowledge unique selling point of offering ‘studio expansion’ via the additional USB ports and the dedicated insert points. Javascript software libraries such as jQuery are loaded at endpoints on the googleapis.

Although I didn’t love the preamp, thought it was a bit boomy. One of the most crucial components for any recording artist—be it at home or in a professionally built studio—is the audio interface. I found it easy to setup and easier to use. Akai needs to get there act in gear!! Every knob and switch feels as good as it looks and all inputs and outs are more than ever seen at this price point. Non-consent will result in ComScore only processing obfuscated personal data.

Found out how to record all 4 inputs of this beast 96 kHz 32 bits with Reaper Install latest software. In general, though, EIE Pro seems to be considered a solid, capable audio interface that is well worth the price. It features four microphone preamps with switchable phantom power in pairsand each input can also be set to eis a line input or an instrument input, such as a guitar or bass, or a synthesizer.

In this article I aim to bring you an prk depth Akai EIE Pro audio interface review that should leave you well enough informed to confidently buy—or not buy—one of these interfaces.

Very simple few clicks of the mouse.


It is made to be a desktop interface but I have it rocking on the road with me as a tough and ready breakout for my computer and a rack case next to drums, and the cap on top of my midi and mixing rig. Some articles have Google Maps embedded in them.

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All I had to do to solve it was aksi the laptops internal sound card in the control panel “sound” settings as evidently the drivers were conflicting with each other. You can switch between monitoring input or output, and you can choose between inputs one and two, or inputs three and four. But for a band simply wanting to make ‘four instruments appear separately in akwi DAW’, this is going to be magical.

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Akai EIE Pro Audio Interface Review | Spinditty

Akai Eie Manual

He earns his sandwiches fixing automatic transmissions. The rear panel features four audio outputs, designed primarily to drive twin pairs of studio monitors, as well as four inserts so input connections made on the front panel can be further enhanced with hardware effects such as compression or EQ.

There’s a clarity and a natural brightness which fie colour the sound but adds a slight sweetness to microphone sources in particular.

This will record 4 separate tracks simultaneously. Presumably to save on components and space, a lot the controls seemed to be designed around the two stereo inputs, rather than the four mono. This item akao belong on this page. Rated 5 out of 5 by Swing7 from Great Interface! Bit Depth bit Sample Rates This is used to alai bots and spam.

Akai Professional Eie Pro Review

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Hello fellow musicians and recording enthusiasts,
I have this annoying problem with my interface from AKAI. It's the EIE (16 bit, so not the pro-version). It seems like it's connected, and I CAN perfectly see it on my PC (Windows 7), allthough there is a tiny issue, there is no sound coming into the pc from the interface itself, I have a pair of studio headsets plugged into my headphone-out, on the device, and I can hear whatever I do, if it's singing in the microphone or playing the guitar, the VU-meters is also picking up, but nothing can I do on the PC, I can hear stuff from my PC in the headphones aswell (sounds from the computer) just as well as if they were plugged in directly. I'm currently using Pro Tools 10, and I've tried everything I can think of to make it work, without any luck though (I can also see the EIE in the audio settings in my DAW). I can also choose my EIE as the audio source, but there's just no sound but the sound of silence. I do remembered to aim the track for recording, enable recording and when I press play afterwards it stops for two or three seconds and hits stop automatically (probably due to the lack of source) I'm not a professional mastermind, but I shure ain't an amateur either, I have a few years of experince with recording and even more with songwriting, so after the upgrade of interface, I never assumed to run into this kind of problem. Please help me back on the track, recording. Have a nice day.
Best regards,
Smithy JR.

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